The Come Let Us Reason Podcast celebrated its 18th year with an amazing assortment of topics and interviews. With our exponential growth on YouTube, we are seeing more people than ever before watching or listening to these episodes. Here are key snippets from six of the most popular shows, including issues about Christian cults, science, the woke left, evolution, and more.
Past Podcasts
- ▼ 2024 (52)
Welcome to Come Let Us Reason Together, the podcast from Lenny Esposito and Come Reason Ministries. Here, we dig deeply into ways Christianity shows itself as an intelligent and rational faith. Episodes include topics about faith, ethics, worldview, and philosophy from a distinctly Christian perspective. Join us each week and see just how rational faith can be!
Monday, December 30, 2024
Monday, December 23, 2024
Is It Possible to Be Good Without God? What’s Necessary for Morality
Is It Possible to Be Good Without God? What’s Necessary for Morality
Investigate if secular ethics can stand on their own without religious foundations. In this interview with Dr. David Horner on his new book Metaethics: A Short Companion, we explore what is objective morality, how atheists, naturalists, and those of other belief systems ground their morality and why the Christian understanding of what constitutes “the good” makes the most sense.
Monday, December 16, 2024
The Nobel Prize as Evidence of Intelligent Design
The Nobel Prize as Evidence of Intelligent Design
What does this year’s Nobel Prize have to do with intelligent design? A lot more than you may imagine! On this episode I’ve invited Dr. Fazale Rana from Reasons to Believe and Dr. Casey Luskin from the Discovery Institute to review and discuss the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of micro-RNAs and how it supports intelligent design and weakens the evolutionary paradigm. Join us as we dive into a fascinating discussion on the mechanisms of life.
Monday, December 09, 2024
Redesigning Humanity? Christianity and Modern Body Identity Trends
Redesigning Humanity? Christianity and Modern Body Identity Trends
There’s been a clear cultural push towards viewing one's body as simply a canvas that may be modified for personal expression. But such a view is shortsighted and can be dangerous, powering ideas as radical as transgender surgeries. The Bible holds our bodies as sacred, a substantial part of what makes one human. Is the desire to modify our bodies costing us our dignity? How do our bodies reflect our creation in God's image? Explore a robust theology of the body and how it fits in God's design.
Monday, December 02, 2024
Deconstructing World Religions: Why the Bible Stands Apart!
Deconstructing World Religions: Why the Bible Stands Apart!
Ever pondered how different religions of the world stack up against each other in their claims to be true? What if we were to "deconstruct" the faiths of the world and boil them down to their bare essentials. Would they still make sense? This video compares the teachings, worldview, and moral aspects of Christianity and measures them against other major religious systems, revealing why only the Bible and its doctrines can be confidently asserted as coming directly from God.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Thanksgiving Decoded: The Christian Roots of America's Favorite Holiday
Thanksgiving Decoded: The Christian Roots of America's Favorite Holiday
Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving? Discover the theological underpinnings and historical events that established Thanksgiving as a day of national gratitude and America’s last religious holiday. Understand why giving thanks isn't just a ritual but a recognition of the God of the Bible. Ideal for those seeking a deeper understanding beyond the turkey and pie.
Monday, November 18, 2024
The Battle for Our Minds: Is Technology Rewiring Our Beliefs?
The Battle for Our Minds: Is Technology Rewiring Our Beliefs?
Are we being unknowingly reprogrammed by the digital world? This discussion uncovers the alarming ways social media manipulates our minds, challenges Christian worldviews, and reshapes humanity's connection to truth, faith, and freedom. Here’s how to stand firm in faith amidst a growing digital onslaught.
Monday, November 11, 2024
The Cost of Grace: Persecution as Part of the Christian Faith
The Cost of Grace: Persecution as Part of the Christian Faith
Although not often preached today, suffering and persecution are intrinsic to Christian discipleship. Jesus Himself foretold suffering for His followers, early Church Fathers, like Tertullian, viewed suffering as a badge of honor and a means of testifying to the truth of Christianity, and suffering through persecution provides every Christian a means to prove and strengthen his or her faith. Martyrdom is not mere endurance; it is participation in the redemptive work of Christ.
Monday, November 04, 2024
From Family Values to Family Crisis: The Hidden War Against Families
From Family Values to Family Crisis: The Hidden War Against Families
The last two decades have seen an assault against traditional values and traditional structures of society more than ever before. Trans-activists are leveraging politicians to separate children from parents. Elementary schools push soft porn books in schools. And people are having fewer babies while tech promises to outsource pregnancy. In this talk, taken from the Come Reaon Dare to Defend Conference, Lenny presents a Christian understanding of why the family is under fire, the hidden threats that lie ahead, and what we need to do about it.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Are Atheists Losing Faith in Atheism? The Surprising Return of God
Are Atheists Losing Faith in Atheism? The Surprising Return of God
In an age of scientific progress and secularization, many would expect belief in God to decline—but recent trends suggest otherwise. In this video, we explore Justin Brierley’s compelling insights from his new book, The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God, and discover why a growing number of atheists and skeptics are beginning to question their disbelief. Join us as we dive into the philosophical, scientific, and cultural shifts sparking new conversations about God’s existence.
Monday, October 21, 2024
God’s Masterpiece: Why Little Acts of Faith Make a Big Impact
God’s Masterpiece: Why Little Acts of Faith Make a Big Impact
In this talk, we explore how even the smallest acts of ministry hold incredible significance in God's grand design. Like an artist carefully adding brushstrokes to a canvas, every kind word, simple gesture, and unnoticed deed contributes to a masterpiece that reflects God's purpose for mankind. We'll uncover how God finds immense value in each act, no matter how small it seems, and how these moments are woven together to reveal His greater plan. Join us to discover the power of small, faithful actions and how you play a vital role in the divine masterpiece He’s creating.
Monday, October 14, 2024
False Teachings Exposed: A Christian's Guide to Discernment
False Teachings Exposed: A Christian's Guide to Discernment
Ever since its beginnings, Christianity has battled false teachers. However, today the church is facing false teachings that take on a more nuanced approach. Some of our most popular and influential worship producers and book authors hold to dangerous doctrines. As thoughtful believers, how can we recognize heretical doctrines or misleading teachers? And how do we check our own beliefs to make sure they are true? Using a story form Jeremiah as an example, we learn why we need to be discerning Christians and just how to do so.
Monday, October 07, 2024
Apologetics and the Arts: The Doug Powell Interview
Apologetics and the Arts: The Doug Powell Interview
Is defending the faith only an intellectual exercise? There’s another way God reveals his existence: through beauty and the arts. Doug Powell is an accomplished musician working with such top-level artists like Alan Parsons, Sixpence None the Richer, and Wilco. He’s also a novelist and an apologist. Here, we discuss art and beauty and how these virtues can also point to the truth of the Gospel.
Monday, September 30, 2024
Richard Dawkins and Why Cultural Christianity Isn't Enough
Richard Dawkins and Why Cultural Christianity Isn't Enough
Richard Dawkins is arguably the world’s foremost atheist. Yet he like Sam Rubin, Douglas Murray, Tom Holland and others claims to be a cultural Christian. Why would the man who paid for bus advertisements dismissing God want to be identified with Christianity? Dawkins likes the benefits of living in a Christian society. But what Dawkins forgets is for any society to sustain the fruits of Christianity, there needs to be a strong root of true belief in Jesus. Enjoy this riveting discussion with myself, Dr. Harry Edwards and Dr. Jacob Daniel as we discuss the cultural Christian phenomenon.
Monday, September 23, 2024
The Indomitable Word of God
The Bible is undeniably unique among the books of the world. No other book has sold more copies, been at the forefront of new technologies and been the most challenged, studies, scrutinized, and debated text the world over. Yet, it stands as the preeminent revelation of God’s message to his people. In this podcast, we look at what inspiration means and see the power of God’s word to change lives as well as how it withstands all attacks.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Virtuous Leaders and Why They Matter
Virtuous Leaders and Why They Matter
Leadership. It's lauded as essential to managing a group, but what effect do leaders really have? The question of leadership has increased in relevance these days as it seems that no matter on what side of the political aisle one resides, good leaders are becoming more and more rare.
In this study of Jeremiah Chapters 34 and 35, Lenny explores the concept by looking at a stark contrast in leadership between the bad and the good. You can find opens all kinds of parallels to issues we face today and our text even helps us understand how faithful Christians can navigate today’s ignoble politics where perhaps no good leaders may be found.
Monday, September 09, 2024
Bethel Church and the New Apostolic Reformation: Christian or Cult?
Bethel Church and the New Apostolic Reformation: Christian or Cult?
Many people have been attracted to Bethel Church and the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. However, the movement’s emphasis on modern-day apostles and prophets shows dangerous signs of being more about power and control than creating a church faithful to Jesus’s teachings. Here I engage in a roundtable discussion with Anthony Costello, Dr, Douglas Geivett, and Holly Pivec, exposing NAR as something more counterfeit than Christian.
Monday, September 02, 2024
Why the Virgin Birth Matters: The Rhyne Putman Interview
Why the Virgin Birth Matters: The Rhyne Putman Interview
Ever since the earliest days of the church, the idea that Jesus was born of a virgin became crucial to understand certain aspects of Christianity. It was included in the church creeds and has dramatic implications to how we understand who Jesus is and all he come to accomplish as savior. In this interview, Dr. Rhyne Putman joins me to explore many of the meanings and objections he covers in his new book.
Monday, August 26, 2024
Calvinism, Arminianism, and God's Middle Knowledge
Calvinism, Arminianism, and God's Middle Knowledge
Salvation. How do we understand it? Within the church there are two primary views that Christians hold: God has predestined us to be saved but we also have liberty—we may choose to either follow or deny him. On this podcast, we're going to explore something that is a third choice, something called middle knowledge or Molinism. Join us as we explore aspects of each of these positions with Dr. Kenneth Keathley.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Is God Evil in the Old Testament?
Is God Evil in the Old Testament?
Atheist Richard Dawkins famously wrote “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction” and charged him with being a genocidal ethnic cleanser. Other atheists have also specifically criticized the biblical story of the conquering of Canaan by the Israelites because God ordered them to wipe out all who live there—sometimes even including the livestock.
How should Christians understand the slaughter of the Canaanites and the orders God gave to the Israelites? There’s actually more than meets the eye here as we explore why a good God would give such a command.
Monday, August 12, 2024
Should Christians Seek to Shape Culture?
Should Christians Seek to Shape Culture?
What should be the role of the church in shaping the broader culture of our society? Today’s secular culture seems to be running further and further away from its Christian roots. But does that mean we no longer have a responsibility to it? Are Christians to withdraw from the world or do we bear a responsibility to try and move culture toward a more moral and Godly direction? For today’s podcast, I’m behind the radio mike, joining the team of Dr. Harry Edwards and Dr. Jacob Daniel to discuss just what we mean by culture and identify what duties the church has in bringing culture more in line with our biblical values.
Monday, August 05, 2024
Faith and Science: Where the Conflict Really Lies
Faith and Science: Where the Conflict Really Lies
Faith and science. These two topics have been seemingly at loggerheads formany years. But don't believe everything you hear. Can people of faith embrace some of the most modern scientific discoveries of today? We're going to be exploring the ideas of faith and science and how these two disciplines are not at loggerheads, but actually work together to give us a clearer picture of the world.
Monday, July 29, 2024
Conservative Politics and the Danger of Secularism
Conservative Politics and the Danger of Secularism
What is a cultural Christian? Those who have traditionally been opposed to Christian beliefs, people Like Richard Dawkins, James Lindsay, and others are publicly siding with Evangelicals for conservative causes associated previously with church-goers. They don't believe, but identify as "cultural Christians." What are we to make of all of this? Is it a good thing or something we need to be wary of? Learn about the new rise of secular conservatism on this podcast.
Monday, July 22, 2024
Christianity vs. Christian Nationalism and the Woke Right
Christianity Vs. Christian Nationalism and the Woke Right
Today's culture has really shifted as more people are disconnected from faith. Proponents of what we may term "traditional values" are on the rise even though they don't ground such values in any transcendent ethic. Others, claiming to be Christians place their political battles on par with their religious beliefs and some have adopted the tactics that those on the left have used such as cancel culture against their opponents. How can we as Christians understand what it means to be virtuous in a society that no longer holds virtue as a value?
Monday, July 15, 2024
Why Are Churches Blessing Same Sex Couples While Denying Same Sex Marriage?
Why Are Churches Blessing Same Sex Couples While Denying Same Sex Marriage?
There’s an alarming trend beginning to emerge in churches today across Christendom. Conservative Catholic, Orthodox and even Evangelical churches have taken to offer blessings to same-sex couples while still trying to hold that same-sex unions are against the teachings of scripture. Should "pastoral care" trump the clear teaching of scripture on what we understand as an immoral lifestyle? And how do we as evangelicals elevate doctrine to its proper position while still “loving the sinner and hating the sin”? We tackle this difficult topic in this round-table discussion.
Monday, July 08, 2024
One Nation Under God: How America’s Christian Heritage Shaped Our Country
One Nation Under God: How America’s Christian Heritage Shaped Our Country
We’ve heard the phrase “American Exceptionalism.” Just what is it that makes America different? In a word, it’s Christianity. Because Christianity so changed and infused the culture, Christian ideas provided the foundation of the American experiment. Indeed, America could not have existed without it and those Christian principles are necessary to maintain the nation as the founders envisioned.
Monday, July 01, 2024
How We Became a Crotch-Driven Culture
How We Became a Crotch-Driven Culture
Pride month, transgender ideology, throuples, onlyFans, sexual self-expression, InCels, and abortion. It seems that almost all the issues that capture the attention and the headlines today center around the pelvis. How is it that the center of our culture revolves around the vulgar and the crass? How did civilization lose its way? In this podcast, Dr. Harry Edwards and I discuss why in the 20th century culture turned from elevating the human condition to a more self-centered and feelings-based drive of the individual and how that led to our sex-saturated society.
Monday, June 24, 2024
Understanding In-vitro Fertilization As A Christian
Understanding In-vitro Fertilization As A Christian
Reproduction, in vitro fertilization, and all of the questions that go along with it have been making the headlines recently. Did the Southern Baptists really oppose IVF treatments for infertile couples? How can pro-life people be against bringing more babies into the world? Just what issues are there with IVF and other reproduction-assisting procedures? Are there dangers to the parents? Listen in as Lenny explores all those questions and more.
Monday, June 17, 2024
Pope Francis vs Augustine: Are People "Fundamentally Good"?
Pope Francis vs Augustine: Are People "Fundamentally Good"?
In a recent 60 Minutes television interview, Pope Francis made the claim that people are "fundamentally good in heart." Such a statement by the head of the Roman Catholic church seems to directly contradict Catholic theology, going all the way back to Saint Augustine! Is the pope renouncing the doctrine of original sin? What about human nature and human depravity? Is the pope even Catholic? In this podcast, I'm joined by Reasons to Believe scholar Ken Samples as we contrast Catholic and Protestant theology and help unravel Francis's cryptic comments.
Monday, June 10, 2024
What's the Big Deal About The Trinity, Anyway?
What's the Big Deal About The Trinity, Anyway?
The Trinity. It forms the center of Christian doctrine, yet most Christians today either don’t understand it or ignore it as something not important. But if God wasn’t a triune being, our salvation would be impossible. How can we make the Trinity more comprehensible? In this episode I interview Dr. Fred Sanders of Biola University, an expert on the Trinity, as we explore the deep things of God.
Monday, June 03, 2024
Leveraging Culture for Christianity
Leveraging Culture for Christianity
It's no secret we're no longer living in a Christian culture when we see all of the various ways that church has been displaced in our society. How can we share our faith with people who simply aren't interested in religion anymore? By leveraging the desires and the thoughts that people do have to show them that Christianity actually is the answer that they're searching for.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
What Does Athens Have to Do With Jerusalem?
What Does Athens Have to Do With Jerusalem?
That question was first famously asked by the church father Tertullian when he was contemplating the relationship between Greek philosophy and church theology. Today, many people wonder the same thing. Do we need all that egghead scholasticism or can’t we just love Jesus? Yet, for most of Christian history the pastors *were* the professors! It is only recently that some mistakenly separate belief from intellectual scholarship. Listen in to learn just how much Christian scholarship can contribute to the church and why we need both to love God with all our minds as well as our hearts.
Monday, May 20, 2024
J. Warner Wallace: The Inside Scoop on True Crime
J. Warner Wallace: The Inside Scoop on True Crime
Can a homicide detective who dealt with murderers and death really uncover important truths about how to live? In this fascinating interview, Lenny speaks with Det. J. Warner Wallace about his career as a cold-case detective and his new book The Truth in True Crime. In it, Wallace shares the fifteen most important principles to improve your life, strengthen your faith, and make you a better human being.
Monday, May 13, 2024
Learning From 35 Answered Prayers in the Bible
Learning From 35 Answered Prayers in the Bible
Throughout the Bible, we see the heroes of the faith coming in prayer to God for all kinds of issues, But have you really studied just how they prayed? In this interview with Dr. Nathan Ward, author of _Our Eyes Are On You: A Study of Biblical Prayer_, we discuss what specific things effective prayers have in common and how our understanding of God's nature and attributes should inform our petitions.
Monday, May 06, 2024
What Dangers Does AI Hold For The Future?
What Dangers Does AI Hold For The Future?
Artificial intelligence is quickly being integrated into more and more systems we use to work and create. But are there dangers to it? Past doomsday scenarios in film may not be realistic, but ther are some legitimate cautions we should heed that accompany the benefits of AI. In this episode, Lenny joins the Kirkwood Center roundtable to look at the benefits and potential pitfalls of AI, including some areas of concern that aren’t normally discussed.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Belief, Denial, and Delusion: Lessons from Jeremiah
Belief, Denial, and Delusion: Lessons from Jeremiah
People will hold their beliefs strongly. If a belief is justified, that should be the case. But what happens when we believe things that aren’t true because we simply don’t want to? We have many examples throughout history of people denying or deluding themselves into believing things about God that are simply wrong, and they even use scripture to try and prove it! In this podcast, we examine how our denial or biased understanding of God makes for dangerous, dangerous trap that can lead to significant consequences.
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Losing Culture: How Relativism Makes People More Savage
Losing Culture: How Relativism Makes People More Savage
Why do we see more incivility in our society today? We read about the increase in mass shootings, student violence against speakers with whom they disagree, and an ever-growing online belligerence. And what's worse is our country and our world are being divided among ideological lines where no thought or no charity is given to the person holding a differing view. Here, our panel explores how we are losing our culture--specifically how relativism is making people more savage, causing them to lose the understanding of what civility actually means.
Monday, April 15, 2024
Fake News! How the Misinformation Police Get It Wrong
Fake News! How the Misinformation Police Get It Wrong
What counts as misinformation, disinformation or fake news? Are people so led astray by today's social media that they continually confuse facts with opinion? Lenny examines a journalarticle by political sciientists who claim to show how people get their facts and opinions wrong. However, there's a big problem... the researchers themseves don't understand knowledge. By misdefining what counts as fact, theitr paper provides an example of how the experts are committing the very error they are lecturing others about. Find out how to think a little more clearly on this Come Le Us Reason Podcast.
Monday, April 08, 2024
Deconstruction, Doubt, and Christianity: The Bobby Conway Interview
Deconstruction, Doubt, and Christianity: The Bobby Conway Interview Doubt about the claims of Christianity have existed since the day of Jesus's resurrection. Many young people today are deconstructing their faith based on their doubts. But what happens when the one wrestling with doubt is a pastor? How does he face his congregation each week? In this riveting interview, Lenny talks with pastor and apologist Bobby Conway about the difficulties and doubt he faced even while pastoring a church. Hear why doubt doesn't mean the end of faith and why Christianity actually gives us ways to overcome darkness and depression in our lives.
Monday, April 01, 2024
Defusing the Wars Against Men and Culture: The Nancy Pearcey Interview
Defusing the Wars Against Men and Culture: The Nancy Pearcey Interview
Our culture is in crisis in many different ways. Depression rates are soaring, young men are finding it more difficult to find their place in this world, confusion over the value that our bodies hold is commonplace, as is the idea that morality isn’t rooted in fact. In special interview with Nancy Pearcey, we discuss several of the most crucial issues that are rocking our culture today. Her books like Saving Leonardo, Total Truth, and her most recent book, The Toxic War on Masculinity, really focus on some of these most important issues that show a seismic shift in where we used to be as a culture and where we find ourselves now.
Monday, March 25, 2024
Christianity and Masculinity - What Does it Mean to Be a A Man?
Christianity and Masculinity: What Does it Mean to Be a A Man?
What does it mean to be a Christian and a man in 2024? Is it the hyper-aggressiveness and crudity of an Andrew Tate or is it a benign passivity of a Ward Cleaver? Here, we examine the extremes, the stereotypes, and the assertions of how manhood has gone wrong. But we also look to Jesus—the primary example of what being a true man is—and offer a model of biblical manhood that becomes something a bit different from what both the secularists and Christian critics try to make it.
Monday, March 18, 2024
A Paleontologist's View of Darwinism and Intelligent Design
A Paleontologist's View of Darwinism and Intelligent Design
Evolution is a hot=button issue. As our science progresses, is the evidence for evolution beoining more concrete or more tenuous? Here, I interview Dr. Günter Bechly, an evolutionary biologist and paleontologist who has devoted much of his life studying Darwinism. He highlights the incredible problems facing the modern neo-darwinian synthesis and how design makes much better sense of the data.
Monday, March 11, 2024
Does HeGetsUs Really Get Jesus Right
Does #HeGetsUS Really Get Jesus Right?
How do you reach a culture that thinks Christianity is not only unnecessary, but evil? The #HeGetsUs commercials made a huge splash during the Superbowl, but were they effective? And did they properly communicate the gospel message? Here Lenny, along with Dr. Harry Edwards and Dr. Jacob Daniel, discuss the pluses and the problems of the #HeGetsUS effort and offers a balanced, thoughtful view, shedding more light to a topic that has generated quite a bit of heat, both inside and outside the church.
Monday, March 04, 2024
Beware The Language Games of the Woke
Beware! The Language Games of the Woke
Words matter. We use words in order to communicate ideas, in order to share feelings, and gain knowledge. But words can also wound and be weaponized. In fact, today political ideology has driven an intentional misuse of words and a conflict over how we even understand shared ideas.
Here Lenny exposes the intentional obfuscation of terms and points out the language shell games that are sometimes used to try and shame and coerce us into holding a specific view. However, through a proper approach of engaging and extending ideas, we can actually open a door to gospel conversations.
Monday, February 26, 2024
My LIVE Conversation with Jehovah's Witnesses
My LIVE Conversation with Jehovah's Witnesses
What do you do when a Jehovah's Witness knocks on your door? Many people have a bit of a panic attack or want to shoo them away as quickly as possible, Christians included! But you shouldn't be afraid to engage these people, for it's rare enough that someone wants to talk to us about the things of God! I had the opportunity to capture a visit that a couple of Witnesses made to my door and I take you through the entire conversation, providing my thinking and my strategy so you too may be able thoughtfully and graciously engage those who are lost to the cults.
Monday, February 19, 2024
The Lazy Approach to Evangelism
The Lazy Approach to Evangelism
Evangelism. It's a word that can strikes fear into the hearts of a lot of people. We know we're supposed to evangelize, but how do we do so? Does it require tons of study? Doesn't it require feet of iron? Maybe there's a lazy way that we can still be faithful to our gospel command and share our faith with those who don't believe in Jesus. That's our topic as I interview author and apologist Eric Hernandez on his new book The Lazy Approach to Evangelism.
Monday, February 12, 2024
Crisis of the Shrinking Family: The Tim Carney Interview
Crisis of the Shrinking Family: The Tim Carney Interview
We are in the midst of a baby-bust. For the first time in our history, the number of seniors are growing at a greater rate than the number of babies being born, which spells a dangerous future for our lives as well as our culture. Why has the millennial generation shied away from having kids? What are the *real reasons* for the hesitancy in becoming parents and what can the church do about it? In this interview with Tim Carney, author of the upcoming _Family Unfriendly: How Our Culture Made Raising Kids Much Harder Than It Needs to Be_, we discuss these questions and the underlying drivers that disincentivize growing families. it is a topic that should concern us all.
Monday, February 05, 2024
Andy Stanley, Alistair Begg, and Confusion over LGBTQ+ Issues
Andy Stanley, Alistair Begg, and Confusion over LGBTQ+ Issues
What are we to make over the recent controversies that have encircled prominent Evangelical leaders about their stances on same-sex weddings, transgender grandchildren, and the like? A few months ago, Andy Stanley hosted a conference where he invited a "married" gay couple to speak to Christian parents. Last week, Alistair Begg got into hot water for his advice about attending such unions. How are Christians to discern what the right path is?
In this podcast, Lenny examines the statements and positions of these events and offers a sensitive, nuanced explanation of how you can be loving to your LGBTQ+ family and friends while still holding to a clear biblical morality.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Building a Bulletproof Faith in Your Kids
Building a Bulletproof Faith in Your Kids
The stats are clear. Once they leave home, Christian kids are leaving the church in alarming numbers. How can we help young believers stand up to the continual onslaught of peer-pressure, professors, and pop culture pushing them away from the faith? In this session, noted apologist Lenny Esposito provides parents and young people with specific tools to solidify their faith and help them see why Christianity makes the most sense of our world.
Monday, January 15, 2024
Losing The Family: Are Millennials Choosing Comfort Over Kids?
Losing The Family: Are Millennials Choosing Comfort Over Kids?
It’s no secret that birthrates are declining in the west and it seems to be more prevalent with the millennials. Why are young people today reluctant to start families? In this podcast Lenny, along with Kirkwood Center colleagues Anthony Costello and Dr. Jacob Daniel review a couple of recent articles written by millennial women where they tell how they actually dread the idea of motherhood and how they aren't alone in their feelings. What does this mean for society and for the future? The answers are chilling.
Monday, January 08, 2024
Would The World Be Better Without Religion?
Would The World Be Better Without Religion?
Is it true that science fly you to the moon while religion flies you into buildings? Skeptics such as Richard Dawkins often claim that the biggest evils in the world are perpetrated because of religious beliefs. Does religion cause more wars, more hatred and prejudice than other views? What would a world free of religion look like? Join Lenny as he shows why such objections have no grounding in reality.
Monday, January 01, 2024
Top Podcasts of 2023 - The Best of the Best!
Top Podcasts of 2023 - The Best of the Best!
Here it is. As we close out 2023 and welcome 2024, Lenny reviews all the interviews and roundtable discussions published over the year and highlights clips from the top five most watched podcasts of the year. Issues like neo-paganism, J.R.R. Tolkien and God in Lord of the Rings, and how Sigmund Freud shifted our culture towards a sex-saturated ideology are here. Interviews with Stephen Meyer, Austin Freeman and former militant atheist Sy Garte are included. Listen all in this final retrospective.
- The God of Middle Earth: How Tolkien's Faith Fueled The Lord of the Rings - Top Scientist Changes From Militant Atheist to Christian Believer - Because of Science! - Four Hot Button Topics the Church Cannot Ignore - Stephen C Meyer Interview: The Return of the God Hypothesis
Part 1:
Part 2: - Freud's Poison: Corrupting Civilization Through Sex