Past Podcasts


Welcome to Come Let Us Reason Together, the podcast from Lenny Esposito and Come Reason Ministries. Here, we dig deeply into ways Christianity shows itself as an intelligent and rational faith. Episodes include topics about faith, ethics, worldview, and philosophy from a distinctly Christian perspective. Join us each week and see just how rational faith can be!

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Monday, August 21, 2023

Reaching Gen Z with the Gospel

Reaching Gen Z with the Gospel

A lot of attention has been given to the alarming trend of young people leaving the faith. Both parents and pastors are concerned as they see kids raised in Bible-believing churches who attended youth group each week "deconvert" or identify as one of the "nones". How do we communicate the importance and validity of the gospel to young people whose lives and values have been significantly influenced by our modern anti-Christian culture? In this podcast, Lenny joins with Harry Edwards and Jonathan Noyes to talk about ways we can reach out to Gen Z and better communicate the importance of Christianity in living a good life.

Come Reason brandmark Convincing Christianity
An invaluable addition to the realm of Christian apologetics

Mary Jo Sharp:

"Lenny Esposito's work at Come Reason Ministries is an invaluable addition to the realm of Christian apologetics. He is as knowledgeable as he is gracious. I highly recommend booking Lenny as a speaker for your next conference or workshop!"
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