Witnessing to Muslims (Part 1)
With over 1 billion adherents, Islam is becoming more visible in our society. What do they believe and how should we share our faith? Listen in for more.
Part 1 of 4
Welcome to Come Let Us Reason Together, the podcast from Lenny Esposito and Come Reason Ministries. Here, we dig deeply into ways Christianity shows itself as an intelligent and rational faith. Episodes include topics about faith, ethics, worldview, and philosophy from a distinctly Christian perspective. Join us each week and see just how rational faith can be!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Witnessing to Muslims (Part 1)
With over 1 billion adherents, Islam is becoming more visible in our society. What do they believe and how should we share our faith? Listen in for more.
Part 1 of 4
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"Lenny Esposito's work at Come Reason Ministries is an invaluable addition to the realm of Christian apologetics. He is as knowledgeable as he is gracious. I highly recommend booking Lenny as a speaker for your next conference or workshop!"Check out more